Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Review details

I am planning on rating anime that I watch in 4 categories. Visual Effects, Plot, Voice acting, and finally follow through. Visual effects are simple, if it is a regular anime then I will judge how well the shows background, foreground and characters look. Whether the details are over done or under done. If it is more CG, then I will of course add in the graphic quality. Plot line is also self explanatory. Does the anime have a solid plot line that they follow along with and don’t stray away from? If I am reviewing a sequel or secondary season, then of course I will do comparisons to the original series and if it works in or not. Voice acting will also be based in 2 areas. Firstly, I will judge the voice chosen for the character and if it fits them or not. Secondly, I will be judging how well the voice acting fluctuates according to the situation. For example, do they sound scared if they are meant to be. We don’t need an anime with voice acting like Keanu Reeves declaring that there is a bomb on the bus.

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